“I first became aware of Facial Flex when I was sent a complimentary pack including the device at the end of the 1990s. At the time I was in my early 50s and didn’t feel I needed it but I kept it safely in a drawer for when I thought I did. It didn’t take long! So, out it came from the box and into my mouth for my daily facial workout.
Faithfully using my Facial Flex and, as a qualified fitness instructor, understanding how and why it would work, I progressed up the ladder of band strength to make my muscles work harder and soon I could see the improvement. Then I decided to double up my No. 3 bands to give my face a mega workout and that’s when the real changes happened. My lips became fuller, my jowls lifted, my cheek bones became more pronounced and my neck and chest toned up, so much so that journalists have commented, and written about, the fact that now that I am in my 70s my face doesn’t sag. Now, that is a matter of opinion but the one thing that is so often said to me is ‘that I look well’ and I am happy with that.
Today I am as diligent in using my Facial Flex as I am in cleaning my teeth. It is part of my regular routine and I swear by it. I hope you will enjoy the benefits of using your Facial Flex and if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Just remember, the key to your success is using the device every day, twice a day, and to change your bands every week. Do that and you will see results in just a few weeks or months.”